Our wallet has two types: Main Balance (real money) and Link Points (converting real money into points for app use).
Main Balance
Your main balance can be used for transactions.
Link Points
Your link points can be converted into main balance for use in the app.
How to Transfer Link Points to Main Balance:
1. Go to the wallet section of the app.
2. Click on the "Convert Link Point to Wallet" option.
3. Enter the value and click on "Convert Link Point to Balance." The task will be completed.
How to Convert Link Points to Main Balance:
1. Go to the wallet section of the app.
2. Click on the "Convert Link Point to Wallet" option.
3. Click on "Convert Link Point to Balance" with the amount of money.
How to Transfer Balance to Bank:
1. Go to the wallet section of the app.
2. Click on the "Bank Transfer" option.
3. Click on "Transfer to Bank Account" with the amount of money. The transaction will be completed.
How to Add Main Balance:
1. Go to the wallet section of the app.
2. Click on the "Add Money" option.
3. Select the payment method and make the payment.
About Us
Link A to Z is dedicated to providing verified and secure links across various categories, ensuring users have a reliable resource for their online needs.